30 March, 2011

Reader Request

Hey everybody, thanks for the great comments, particularly on the Rebecca Black article.  I'm interested in doing a readers request review or analysis for my next blog post, and I'm looking for suggestions about what you think I should examine next.  I've got some great ideas for this blog, and I'm looking forward to my upcoming summer film series beginning next month, but I'd also like this to be a place where your voice is also heard, and one way to do it is through reader suggestions.  Put a comment on this site suggesting some media you want to hear, let me know what you want, and I'll begin working on it this weekend for a Wednesday posting!

The Strokes - Angles

The freshness of the Strokes has now grown somewhat stale, and what should be a welcome return to form has instead produced a shambling holding pattern.  For a band that once sounded like it knew exactly what it was doing and could do no wrong, Julian Casablancas and company take a few too many wrong turns here to really herald them as returning rock saviors. 

23 March, 2011

Rebecca Black - Friday

Today I will delve into how this video gets viewed over 36 million times from various sources.  This may take a while, so only read the first paragraph if you want my review of the track itself. 

15 March, 2011

Album Review - Beady Eye, Different Gear, Still Speeding

Finally, I decide to tackle some music from 2011!  Getting with the times seemed appropriate after the many looks back into history that we’ve offered, and it seems unfair to keep adding so many older acts without looking at where we are now.  Also, it’s my way of appeasing you for being late with last week’s review. 

Album Review - The Rolling Stones, Their Satanic Majesties Request

I guess it wasn't surprising that I was late with these reviews.  For me, it has been a difficult time when it comes to scheduling these things, and while I may get creative fulfillment from writing these, they don't pay the bills (yet, anyways).  With that apology and defense, I humbly move into my discussion of one of the most rightfully maligned albums in the history of rock n' roll. 

01 March, 2011

Album Review - The Get Up Kids, Something To Write Home About

Your age is the hardest age
Everything just drags and drags
You’re lookin’ funny
But you ain’t laughin’, are you?
- The Replacements, “Sixteen Blue”